Helping a creative agency convert POs into cash to deliver on their project

Mahavisual Agency

Mahavisual is a leading creative agency known for helping companies promote their brand through visual art such as graffiti and art installations. Client projects are profitable but Mahavisual needs to pay staff and vendors while waiting 1-2 months to get paid after the work is completed.

Mahavisual has the talent and relationships with clients to grow. But waiting for cash from clients stops the founders from expanding. Mahavisual joined KarmaClub to receive assistance in cashflow planning and to get help in finding a way to convert POs from clients into nearer term cash.

We came up with a plan together and helped Mahavisual get funding for its POs so that cash was no longer the limiting factor to fulfilling the founders' aspirations.

Now that Mahavisual isn't constrained by cash, we've helped create a long-term business plan with them including growth targets, target segments, competencies that need to be developed.